All Entries Tagged With: "California State University Los Angeles"

New Endowed Faculty Appointments for Five Women Professors
The appointments are Barbara Stranger at the University of Colorado, Eurina Cha at California State University, Los Angeles, Kimberly Ellis at Virginia Tech, Shawna Friday-Stroud at Florida A&M University, and Salimah H. Meghani at the University of Pennsylvania.

Berenecea Johnson Eanes Will Be the First Woman President of California State University, Los Angeles
Since 2020, Dr. Eanes has served as president of York College of the City University of New York. She served as vice president for student affairs at California State University, Fullerton from 2012 to 2019. Earlier, Dr. Eanes was vice president of student affairs at John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York.

In Memoriam: Evelyn Boyd Granville, 1924-2023
After serving on the faculty at Fisk University in Nashville, in 1956 Dr. Granville was hired by IBM Corporation and was assigned to work on a contract for NASA. Dr. Granville wrote programs to track orbital trajectories and calculations to ensure the safe re-entry of space vehicles into the atmosphere. She later taught at California State University and the University of Texas at Tyler.

Sylvia Alva Selected to Lead California State University, Fullerton
Dr. Alva has been serving as the executive vice chancellor of academic and student affairs for the California State University System. Earlier,. she was provost and vice president for academic affairs at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona and dean of the College of Health and Human Development at California State University, Northridge.

Annebelle Nery Is the New President of Santa Ana College in California
Dr. Nery was the vice president of instruction at the College of the Desert in Palm Desert, California. Earlier, she served as vice president of student success at the College of the Desert.

Universities Announce the Appointments of Seven Women to Dean Positions
The new deans are Amaney Jamal, at Princeton University, Dayna Cunningham at Tufts University in Massachusetts, Rosemary Blieszner at Virginia Tech, Cynthia Lietz at Arizona State University, Alexandra Murphy at Depaul Univerity in Chicago, Julianne Malveaux at California State University, Los Angeles, and Diane H. Petrella at Kent State University in Ohio.

In Memoriam: Lucie S. Kelly, 1925-2019
At Columbia, Dr. Kelly had a joint appointment as professor of public health and nursing in the School of Nursing and professor of public health and associate dean of academic affairs in the School of Public Health.

Lynn Mahoney Will Be the First Woman President of San Francisco State University
Currently, Dr. Mahoney serves as provost and vice president for academic affairs at California State University, Los Angeles. Previously she served in various roles at California State University, Long Beach including associate vice president for undergraduate studies and interim vice provost and dean of undergraduate studies.

Thomas Edison State University Launches the Journal of Women and Minorities in Technology
The new publication will be an open access journal that provides quality peer-reviewed articles written by academic and professionals in the fields of aviation, nuclear technology, cybersecurity, and information technology. The articles will provide technical and soft-skills information aimed at helping women and minorities succeed in these fields.

Lisa Vollendorf Appointed Provost at Sonoma State University in California
Since 2012, Dr. Vollendorf has been serving as dean of the College of Humanities and Arts at San Jose State University in California. Earlier, Dr. Vollendorf was a professor of Spanish at California State University, Los Angeles and taught at Wayne State University in Detroit and Miami University in Ohio.

A Trio of Women Appointed to Dean Positions at Major Universities
Cheryl Ney was appointed dean of the Charter College Education at California State University, Los Angeles. Elena D. Hicks was named dean of undergraduate admissions at Southern Methodist University in Dallas and Mary Klotman was named dean of the Duke University School of Medicine.

In Memoriam: Jewell Plummer Cobb, 1924-2017
In 1981, Professor Cobb was appointed president of California State University, Fullerton. She was the first African American women to lead a major university west of the Mississippi River.

Jennifer Chen to Be the Youngest Graduate of the Florida International University College of Medicine
Jennifer Chen never graduated from high school. After finishing ninth grade, she enrolled at California State University, Los Angeles at the age of 14. This spring, Chen will be youngest person to graduate from the medical school at Florida International University.

Condom Use During Sexual Assault Is the Subject of a New University Study
The results found that between 11 and 15 percent of offenders used a condom during the sexual assault. Younger perpetrators were more likely than older offenders to use condoms.