In Memoriam: Virginia E. Grabiner, 1945-2023

Virginia Grabiner, who taught sociology at Buffalo State University in New York for 37 years, died on June 7 in Buffalo. She was 77 years old.

Dr. Grabiner earned a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, and a doctorate in criminology, all from the University of California, Berkeley. She joined the faculty at Buffalo State University in 1975. At Buffalo State, she founded the women’s studies minor and served as the chair of the sociology department. She won the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. She served on the Women’s Issues Committee, the Women and Gender Studies Interdisciplinary Committee, the President’s Council on Equity and Campus Diversity, the Pre-law Committee, and the Judicial Board.

Dr. Grabiner served as a copy editor for the book Sociologists of the Chair.  She was on the editorial board of Crime and Social Justice nd was an editor of the journal Issues in Criminology.

Dr. Grabiner retired in 2012.


Filed Under: In Memoriam


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