University Study Finds Gender Differences in Pedestrian Mortality Rates

DW SignAbout 400,000 pedestrians are struck and killed by motor vehicles each year throughout the world. A study led by researchers at the Injury Control Research Center at West Virginia University has found that men who are struck by motor vehicles are more than twice as likely to die as women pedestrians who are struck by cars and trucks.

Many studies have shown that males make up a significant percentage of the pedestrians who are hit. But this study found that for all pedestrians who were hit, men were 2.3 times as likely at women to die from their injuries.

The authors speculate that men may be more likely than women to walk on highways or other high-speed roadways, where if they are hit their chances of fatality are greater. They also state that “alcohol can play a large role. Most people know not to drive drunk, but it’s not safe to walk the streets while impaired either.”

The full article, published by the peer-reviewed journal Injury Prevention, can be found here.

Filed Under: Research/Study


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