University of Cincinnati Study Finds Widespread Abuse of Over-the-Counter Drugs by Teens
Posted on Nov 07, 2012 | Comments 0
A new study by researchers at the University of Cincinnati finds that young Americans are increasing turning to their parents’ medicine cabinets to find over-the-counter drugs that they can use recreationally. Common products that are abused by teenagers include cough syrup and decongestants.
The study surveyed more than 54,000 youths in grades 7-12 at 133 different schools in the Cincinnati area. The results showed that 10 percent of all students had abused prescription drugs. And the study found that teenage boys are more likely to abuse over-the-counter drugs than teenage girls.
Rebecca Vidourek, an assistant professor of health promotion at the University of Cincinnati and one of the authors of the study, stated, over-the-counter drugs are “an increasing and significant health issue affecting young people.” She warns that abuse of these products can lead to poisoning, seizures, and addictions.
The research was recently presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in San Francisco.
Filed Under: Research/Study