University Research Finds That Race Should Be Considered in Antibiotic Doses for Pregnant Women
Posted on Feb 29, 2012 | Comments 0
New research, published in the journal Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, shows that pregnant women of different races tend to clear antibiotic drugs from their systems at different rates. The uses of antibiotics during pregnancy is of concern to physicians as they want to limit the exposure of fetuses to medications of all types.
The study examined the use of the antibiotic azithromycin, which is commonly given to pregnant women to treat bacterial infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, STDs, and ear, skin, and throat infections. The results showed that pregnant African American women eliminated the antibiotic from their system at a level equal to that of women who were not pregnant. But White, Hispanic, and Asian women who were pregnant cleared the drug from their system less efficiently than African-American pregnant women and women of all races who were not pregnant.
The authors conclude that race should be taken into account in the dosage of antibiotics given to pregnant women.
The research was funded by the Office of Women’s Health of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and was conducted by researchers at the University of Illinois Chicago, the University of Wisconsin, the University of Michigan, and Harvard University.
Filed Under: Research/Study