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Seven Women Named to Dean Posts in Higher Education

Seven Women Named to Dean Posts in Higher Education

The new deans are Carol Padden at the University of California, San Diego, Marilyn Jordan Taylor at the University of Pennsylvania, Linda Sarna at UCLA, Elizabeth P. Sayrs at Ohio University, Danielle R. Holley-Walker at Howard University, Sarah T. Lubienski at the University of Illinois, and Gail Humphries Mardirosian at Stephens College.

Grants or Gifts Relating to Women in Higher Education

Grants or Gifts Relating to Women in Higher Education

Here is this week’s news of grants and gifts that may be of particular interest to women in higher education.

Mothers' Unemployment Shown to Impact The Educational Attainment of Their Children

Mothers’ Unemployment Shown to Impact The Educational Attainment of Their Children

A new study by scholars at the California Center for Population Research at the University of California at Los Angeles finds that when single mothers lose theirs jobs, their children often suffer negative effects in educational attainment and mental well-being.

UCLA Video Urges the Campus Community to Take a Stand Against Sexual Assault

UCLA Video Urges the Campus Community to Take a Stand Against Sexual Assault

The University of California at Los Angeles has produced a new video urging victims of sexual assault to seek help and for the entire campus community to take a stand against sexual assault and other sexual misconduct.

New Book Explores the Role of Gender in the 1992 Los Angeles Riots

New Book Explores the Role of Gender in the 1992 Los Angeles Riots

A new book by Brenda Stevenson, a professor of history at UCLA, makes the argument that gender issues played a major role in leading up to the 1992 Los Angeles riots following the acquittal of police offices in the Rodney King case.

In Memoriam: Antronette Yancey, 1957-2013

In Memoriam: Antronette Yancey, 1957-2013

A professor of public health at the University of California at Los Angeles, she was a leading advocate of brief periods of exercise throughout the day for schoolchildren and office workers.

Gender Differences in Teaching Practices in Higher Education

Gender Differences in Teaching Practices in Higher Education

Men tend to lecture more while women are more likely to encourage class discussions and involve students in group projects. Men are more likely than women to grade on a curve.