RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Massachusetts Institute of Technology"

MIT Appoints Five Women to Lead Academic Programs in Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

MIT Appoints Five Women to Lead Academic Programs in Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

The new academic heads at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are Christine Walley, Sandy Alexendre, Stephanie Frampton, Kate Brown, and Sana Aiyar.

In Memoriam: Mary-Lou Pardue, 1933-2024

In Memoriam: Mary-Lou Pardue, 1933-2024

Dr. Pardue joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology faculty in 1972 as the third women faculty member in the department of biology. She and a group of women colleagues were instrumental in identifying a pattern of bias against women faculty, leading to improved working conditions for women faculty at MIT and across the country.

New Faculty Positions for a Dozen Women in Higher Education

New Faculty Positions for a Dozen Women in Higher Education

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new faculty positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

Fifteen Women Taking on New Administrative Roles in Higher Education

Fifteen Women Taking on New Administrative Roles in Higher Education

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

Three Women Honored With 2024 Kavli Prizes in Astrophysics and Neuroscience

Three Women Honored With 2024 Kavli Prizes in Astrophysics and Neuroscience

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters awarded Sara Seager with a Kavil Prize in Astrophysics. Nancy Kanwisher and Doris Ying Tao were awarded Kavil Prizes in Neuroscience.

Marcia Rieke Honored With Gruber Cosmology Prize for Contributions to James Webb Space Telescope

Marcia Rieke Honored With Gruber Cosmology Prize for Contributions to James Webb Space Telescope

Dr. Rieke has conducted decades of extensive research with NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and James Webb Space Telescope. She was honored with the 2024 Gruber Cosmology Prize for her contributions to understanding infrared astronomy.

MIT Adds Six Women Scholars to School of Engineering Faculty

MIT Adds Six Women Scholars to School of Engineering Faculty

Abigail Bodner, Andreea Bobu, Samantha Coday, Anna Huang, Yael Kalai, and Jessica Stark have been appointed to the faculty of the School of Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Sarah Millholland Recognized for Outstanding Early Career Research in Astronomy

Sarah Millholland Recognized for Outstanding Early Career Research in Astronomy

Dr. Millholand has served as an assistant professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for the past two years. She was honored for her outstanding contributions to the understanding of the formation and dynamics of extrasolar planetary systems.

Karen Wilcox Honored For Her Work in Applied Mathematics and Aerodynamics

Karen Wilcox Honored For Her Work in Applied Mathematics and Aerodynamics

With over two decades of experience in aerospace engineering in academia, Dr. Wilcox currently serves as a professor of aerodynamics and aeronautics and the associate vice president of research at the University of Texas.

Six Women Academics Who Have Been Appointed to New Faculty Positions

Six Women Academics Who Have Been Appointed to New Faculty Positions

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new faculty positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

New Administrative Appointments for Five Women in Higher Education

New Administrative Appointments for Five Women in Higher Education

The women who have been hired to new administrative positions are Samantha Robey at Bellarmine Universityin Louisville, Alison Cole at Yale University, Mechelle English at Columbia College in South Carolina, Teri Antilley at Montana State University, and Alison Badgett at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Eight Women Appointed to New Faculty Positions

Eight Women Appointed to New Faculty Positions

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new faculty positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

Susan Solomon Honored with 2023 VinFuture Award for Female Innovators for Contributions to Climate Change Research

Susan Solomon Honored with 2023 VinFuture Award for Female Innovators for Contributions to Climate Change Research

The Lee and Geraldine Martin Professor of Environmental Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Susan Solomon, was honored for her contributions to understanding the chemical properties of the ozone layer which have influenced international climate change policies.

National Academy of Sciences Honors Nancy Hopkins for Lifetime Contributions to Women's Representation in STEM

National Academy of Sciences Honors Nancy Hopkins for Lifetime Contributions to Women’s Representation in STEM

President Emerita of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Susan Hockfield, says Dr. Hopkins’ award “celebrates her critical role in increasing the participation of women in science and engineering as a significant national achievement.”

Mary Boyce Receives the 2024 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Mechanical Engineering

Mary Boyce Receives the 2024 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Mechanical Engineering

“I am deeply honored to receive the 2024 Benjamin Franklin Medal,” said Dr. Boyce, professor and former provost of Columbia University. “I feel that this recognition reflects my collaborative work with so many talented students, postdocs, and colleagues over many years.”

Four Women Scholars Who Have Been Appointed to Endowed Professorships in the School of Science at MIT

Four Women Scholars Who Have Been Appointed to Endowed Professorships in the School of Science at MIT

The four women named to endowed chairs at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are Gloria Choi in brain and cognitive sciences, Arlene Fiore in Earth and planetary sciences, Danna Freedman in chemistry, and Seychelle M. Vos in biology.

Shirley Ann Jackson to Step Down as President of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2022

Shirley Ann Jackson to Step Down as President of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2022

Dr. Jackson was chair of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission from 1995 to 1999. She then left government service to take over as the 18th president of RPI in 1999. She was the first African American woman to earn a Ph.D. in any discipline from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Karen Fischer Awarded the Harry Fielding Reid Medal by the Seismological Society of America

Karen Fischer Awarded the Harry Fielding Reid Medal by the Seismological Society of America

Karen M. Fischer, professor of Earth, environmental, and planetary sciences at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. Dr. Fischer was honored for her pioneering research on Earth’s upper mantle structure and dynamics, the structure and evolution of continental lithosphere, and the dynamics of subduction systems.

Eight Women Academics Honored With the Berlin Prize

Eight Women Academics Honored With the Berlin Prize

The annual awards are presented to United States scholars, writers, composers, and artists who represent the highest standard of excellence in their field. The recipients will be provided with a semester-long fellowship in Berlin, Germany.

Grants or Gifts Relating to Women in Higher Education

Grants or Gifts Relating to Women in Higher Education

Here is this week’s news of grants and gifts that may be of particular interest to women in higher education.

Angelika Amon Wins 2019 Vilcek Prize in Biomedical Science

Angelika Amon Wins 2019 Vilcek Prize in Biomedical Science

The award is presented annually to an immigrant with a legacy of major accomplishment in the biomedical sciences. A native of Austria, Dr. Amon is considered among the world’s leading experts on cell division.

Fourteen Women "Geniuses" Win MacArthur Fellowships

Fourteen Women “Geniuses” Win MacArthur Fellowships

The Chicago-based MacArthur Foundation has announced the selection of 25 individuals in this year’s class of MacArthur Fellows. Fourteen women are among the 25 new MacArthur Fellows.

A Half Dozen Women Among the 2018 Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering

A Half Dozen Women Among the 2018 Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering

Each of the 18 new Packard Fellows will receive $875,000 over five years for them to use to pursue their research interests in physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, astronomy, computer science, earth science, ocean science, or engineering. This year, one third of the new cohort of Packard Fellows are women.

Four Women Hired to the Engineering Faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Four Women Hired to the Engineering Faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The School of Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has announced the hiring of 16 new faculty members. Four of the new faculty hires are women: Sili Deng, Tami Lieberman, Farnaz Niroui, and Desiree Plata.

Five Women Will Be Joining the Faculty of the School of Engineering at MIT

Five Women Will Be Joining the Faculty of the School of Engineering at MIT

The Massachusetts Institute of technology has announced the addition of 13 new faculty members in its School of Engineering. Five of the 13 new faculty members are women.

Johnson & Johnson Partners With Colleges and Universities to Promote Women in STEM Fields

Johnson & Johnson Partners With Colleges and Universities to Promote Women in STEM Fields

Among the partner institutions are the California Institute of Technology, Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Rhode Island School of Design, Rutgers University in New Jersey, and Spelman College in Atlanta.

Six Women Join the Faculty of the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at MIT

Six Women Join the Faculty of the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at MIT

The new faculty members are Paloma Duong in Latin American studies, Caley Horan and Tanalis Padilla in history,
Amy Moran-Thomas and Bettina Stoetzer in anthropology, and Leslie Tilley in music and theater arts.

Three Women Scientists Join the Faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Three Women Scientists Join the Faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Nikta Fakhri and Lindley Winslow are both new assistant professors in the department of physics at MIT. Gabriela Schlau-Cohen was hired as an assistant professor of chemistry.

Women Enrollments: CalTech vs. MIT

Women Enrollments: CalTech vs. MIT

Women are 37 percent of the entering class at CalTech and 46 percent of first-year students at MIT.

Uganda Journalist Awarded Fellowship at MIT

Uganda Journalist Awarded Fellowship at MIT

Jackee Budesta Batanda will also work with journalist at two major American newspapers.