All Entries Tagged With: "Central Michigan University"

In Memoriam: Mary Zeiss Stange, 1950-2024
Dr. Stange served as a professor of women’s studies and religion at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York, for nearly three decades. She also served as the college’s inaugural director of the women’s studies program.

In Memoriam: Nicole Cho, 1983-2024
Cho served as a social media manager at the California Institute of Technology for the past six years. Earlier in her career, she held a similar position with the University of Southern California.

Shawna Patterson-Stephens Honored for Contributions to Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education
The National Association of Student Personnel Administrators honored Central Michigan University vice president Shawna Patterson-Stephens for her career-long contributions to advancing diversity and inclusion.

Grants or Gifts Relating to Women in Higher Education
Here is this week’s news of grants and gifts that may be of particular interest to women in higher education.

Gina S. Brown Received the National Humanism in Medicine Medal From the Arnold P. Gold Foundation
Since 2015, Gina S. Brown has dean of the College of Nursing and Allied Sciences at Howard University in Washington, D.C. Dr. Brown was recognized for her leadership and achievements in healthcare, government, and for her positive impact on society.

Eight Women Who Are Assuming New Administrative Roles at Universities
Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

Colleges and Universities Announce the Appointment of Seven Women to Administrative Posts
Taking on new duties are Yakut Gazi at Duke University, Chanelle Reese at the University of Iowa, Jaclyn Rossi at Niagara University, Reneé Watson at Central Michigan University, Julie Payne-Kirchmeier at Indiana University, Mary Duvall at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, and Romy Riddick at Prinecton University.

Two English Professors Share a Book Award From the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
Carlin Borsheim-Black of Central Michigan University and Sophia Tatiana Sarigianides of Westfield State University in Massachusetts are the winners of the 2022 Outstanding Book Award from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.

Three Women Taking on New Diversity Positions in Higher Education
Anita Fernández was named the inaugural chief diversity officer at Prescott College in Arizona. Shawna Patterson-Stephens has been hired as the vice president and chief diversity officer at Central Michigan University and J. Goosby Smith has been named chief diversity officer at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California.

Theresa B. Felder Selected as the Tenth President of Harford Community College in Maryland
Dr. Felder comes to Harford Community College from Clark State Community College in Springfield, Ohio, where she most recently served as the senior vice president for student success. Prior to this position, she was the vice president of student affairs and administrative dean for Clark State’s largest branch campus.

Five Women Faculty Members Who Are Taking on New Roles in Higher Education
The five women scholars who have been appointed to new posts are Celeste M. Nelson at Princeton University in New Jersey, Simone T.A. Phipps at Middle Georgia State University, Katy Strzepek at Illinois State Univerity, Amie Grills at Boston University, and Megan Goodwin at Central Michigan University.

Three Women Scholars Announce They Will Step Down From Dean Positions at the End of the Academic Year
Betty Kirby, dean of the College of Education and Human Services at Central Michigan University, Margaret Raymond, dean of the law school at the University of Wisconsin, and Mary Elizabeth Moore, dean of the School of Theology at Boston University, have announced they will will step down this coming summer.

Five Women in Higher Education Honored With Prestigious Awards
The five award winners are Mindy Brashears at Texas Tech University, Torrey Trust at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Rene Revis Shingles at Central Michigan University, Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes at Boston College, and Anna Griswold, who recently retired from Pennsylvania State University.

Dale-Elizabeth Pehrsson Appointed President of Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Since 2012, Dr. Pehrsson has been serving as dean of the College of Education and Human Services at Central Michigan University. Earlier, she served on the faculty at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Oregon State University and Sam Houston State University in Texas.

Merodie Hancock Selected to Be the Fourth President of Thomas Edison State College in New Jersey
Since 2013, Dr. Hancock has served as president of Empire State College in Saratoga Springs, New York, a campus of the State University of New York System. Earlier, Dr. Hancock was the vice president of the Global Campus of Central Michigan University.

Denise Bannan to Once Again Serve as President of the Owosso Campus of Baker College in Michigan
Since 2008, Dr. Bannan has been serving as provost for Baker College and will continue to serve in that role. Dr. Bannan previously served as president of the Owosso campus from 1995 to 2008.

The New Provost at the University of Alabama at Birmingham
Since 2009, Dr. Pam Benoit has served as executive vice president and provost at Ohio University in Athens. Earlier in her career, Dr. Benoit was chair of the department of communications at the University of Missouri and served on the faculty at Bowling Green State University in Ohio.

One Woman Among the Four Finalists for President of Ohio University
Pam Benoit is the current executive vice president and provost at Ohio University. She joined the staff at Ohio University in 2009. Previously, she served as vice provost of advanced studies and dean of the Graduate School at the University of Missouri.

Susan Martin to Take Over the Leadership of San Jose State University
On July 7, Susan Martin stepped down as president of Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti. Eleven days later, she was appointed interim president of San Jose State University. She is expected to serve in her new role until June 30, 2016.

Wayne State University’s Angelique Day Wins Two National Awards
Angelique Day, an assistant professor of social work at Wayne State University in Detroit, was honored with prestigious awards by the American Psychological Association and the Child Welfare League of America.

Two Women Among the Five Finalists for Dean of the College of Journalism at the University of Nebraska
Maria B. Marron is professor and chair of the department of journalism at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant and Derina R. Holtzhausen is a professor and director of the School of Media and Strategic Communication at Oklahoma State University.

Empire State College Chooses Its Next President
Currently, Merodie A. Hancock is the vice president of the Global Campus of Central Michigan University. Prior to joining the staff at Central Michigan, she held teaching an administrative posts at the University of Maryland College Park.

Two Women Are Among Five Finalists for Presidency of Empire State College
The two women finalists are Meg Benke who is the acting president and former provost and vice president for academic affairs at Empire State College and Merodie Hancock, vice president of the Global Campus of Central Michigan University.

Academic Awards for Six Women Scholars
The honorees are Hyun-Kyung You, Sarita Soni, Beverly Ann Chin, MurphyKate Montee, Anna Mikusheva, and Lisa Flowers.

Nine Women With New Administrative Duties in Higher Education
Here is this week’s summary of women who have been named to key administrative positions at college and universities across the United States.

A Trio of Women Named to Dean Positions
Patrena Benton, Dale-Elizabeth Pehrsson, and Jane Wayland were appointed deans.