Online Articles of Interest to WIAReport Readers

Each week, Women in Academia Report will provide links to online articles that may be of interest to our readers. The links presented direct the reader to articles from many different points of view that deal with issues of women in higher education. The articles selected do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board of WIAReport.

We invite subscribers to e-mail us at with suggestions of articles for inclusion in this feature.

Bringing Robotics to Barnard
Barnard News

We Need to Talk About Misogyny in the Academy
Times Higher Education

Slightly Feminine Men Have Better Relationship Prospects With Women Without Losing Short-Term Desirability

The Feminist and the Fraudster
Washington Monthly

Molly Flagg Knudtsen: No Place for a Woman
Nevada Today
(University of Nevada, Reno)

Why Young Women Are Leaving Religion in Record Numbers
Campus Reform

College Students Denounce HBCU Sororities Due to Religious Conflicts
Rolling Out

Women Tend to Be Better Physicians Than Men. Here’s Why.
Big Think

Women’s Mental Agility Is Better During Menstruation
Medical XPress

Memorialising the Lives and Experiences of Black Women at Oxbridge
Girton College Cambridge

Unravelling the Gendered Undertones of Narcissism
University of Southampton News

Professor and Entrepreneur Scott Galloway on Why Young Men Are Struggling, Education System Is ‘Biased Against Boys’
Men’s Journal

Filed Under: Articles of Interest

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