Online Articles of Interest to WIAReport Readers

Each week, Women in Academia Report will provide links to online articles that may be of interest to our readers. The links presented direct the reader to articles from many different points of view that deal with issues of women in higher education. The articles selected do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board of WIAReport.

We invite subscribers to e-mail us at with suggestions of articles for inclusion in this feature.

Women May Benefit From “Gender Blindness” in the Workplace
Psychology Today

More Women Needed in the Marine Sector Says International Maritime Organisation

Why Healing Affinity Spaces Are Necessary for Black Women Educators

Catholic Feminists Should Offer Grace to Harrison Butker

Closing the Skills Gap for Women in Cybersecurity
Fortra’s Tripwire

‘Support All Women’ Means Including Mothers
Independent Women’s Forum

What Does It Mean to Be a Woman in STEM?
University of Denver News

The White House’s Title IX Bait-and-Switch

The Resurgence of the Term ‘Kinkeeping,’ the Often Gendered Work of Keeping a Family Together
Minnesota Public Radio

Double Take: Hamilton College Graduation Offers a Surprising First
Utica Observer-Dispatch

Why Is There Still A Gender Wage Gap?

Fighting for Women’s Inclusion in Public Policy
Yale Economic Growth Center

Filed Under: Articles of Interest

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