Texas Woman’s University to Offer a New Bachelor’s Degree Program in Early Childhood Education

The department of literacy and learning in the College of Professional Education at Texas Woman’s University will offer a new undergraduate degree program — a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education — to prepare students to teach children, ages 3-8, and become fully certified teachers. The degree program, which will launch this coming fall, will prepare undergraduate students for the new Texas Education Agency certification for early childhood: PK-3 education.

The program’s key feature is a focus on the unique needs of the young learner. Faculty will incorporate strategies for inclusion and diversity of families, cultures, languages, and abilities. With that foundation, graduates will be equipped to work with all students from various backgrounds. Students will engage in learning integrated curriculum, environmental design and instruction focused on early literacy and the young learner.

“We are excited to offer this new undergraduate degree program in early childhood education,” said Sharla Snider, interim chair of the literacy and learning department. “This program is designed to provide students with a comprehensive education to be effective educators in early childhood education. Our graduates will be able to make a significant impact in the lives of children they teach.”

Dr. Snider is a graduate of the University of North Texas, where she majored in elementary education. She holds a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in early childhood education from Texas Woman’s University

Filed Under: Women's Colleges


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