All Entries Tagged With: "Utah Valley University"

Nine Women Faculty Members in New Roles or Taking on New Duties
Here is this week’s roundup of women faculty members who have been appointed to new positions or given new duties at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

The First Woman President of Utah Valley University in Orem
Dr. Tuminez currently serves as regional director for corporate, external and legal affairs in Southeast Asia for Microsoft Corporation. She is the former dean of research and assistant dean of executive education for the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore.

New Website for Women Created by Utah Valley University
The Utah Women’s and Leadership Project website provides information on associations and support groups for women and lists events that are of particular interest to women.

New Grants or Gifts Relating to Women in Higher Education
Here is this week’s news of grants and gifts that may be of particular interest to women in higher education.

Closing the Higher Education Gender Gap in Utah
A task force has made recommendations to the governor on ways to increase the number of women who enroll and graduate from college.

Utah Valley University Women’s Center Takes on a New Mission
The women’s center is broadening its focus to include all women on campus and in the local community.