All Entries Tagged With: "Northwest Missouri State University"

Seven Women Appointed to Dean Positions at Colleges and Universities
The new deans are Sara Montgomery at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, Gerarda M. Shields at Manhattan College, Bernadette Donovan-Merkert at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Elise Hepworth hat Northwest Missouri State University, Susan Davis at Southern Regional Technical College, Bridgett Golman at Tennessee State University, and Debbie Thomas at Texas A&M University-Galveston.

A Trio of Women Who Have Been Hired to Diversity Posts in Higher Education
Shay Malone was named assistant vice president of diversity and inclusion at Northwest Missouri State University. Karin Gosselink was appointed assistant dean for educational opportunity and will serve as the inaugural director of the Office of Educational Opportunity at Yale College and Keisha Jimmerson has been promoted to dean of students and diversity officer at Seton Hill University in Greensburg, Pennsylvania.

Anne Cafer Wins Donald W. Littrell Award from the Community Development Society
Anne Cafer is an assistant professor of sociology and anthropology at the University of Mississippi. As an emerging leader in the community development field, Dr. Cafer combines research, teaching, and on-the-ground practitioner work in both the Mississippi Delta and several African countries.

In Memoriam: Jane Warren Meeks Hager, 1946-2018
A native of Longview, Texas, Dr. Hager joined the faculty at Old Dominion University in 1977 and taught in the College of Education for 33 years. The university has established the Jane Hager Endowed Scholarship in Literacy in the College of Education.

Eight Women Taking on New Administrative Roles at Universities Across America
The women in new administrative positions are Maurie D. McInnis, Wendy Kutchner, Carol Wisecarver, Lyndy McLaughlin, Janis Zink, Jennifer Wagner Davis, Peggy Kuhr, and Rebecca Murphy.

Nine Women Appointed to New Posts in Higher Education
Here is news of nine women who have, or soon will be, assuming new positions at universities across the United States.