All Entries Tagged With: "Midland University"

Four Nursing Schools Announce Their New Leaders
The new nursing school deans are Laly Joseph at Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Tesa Keeling at Midland University in Fremont, Nebraska, Kristi Stinson at Seton Hall University in New Jersey, and Allison Webel at the University of Washington.

Seven Women Faculty Members Who Are Taking on New Assignments at American Universities
Appointed to new positions or roles are Shereen Marisol Meraji at the University of California, Berkeley, Jennifer Macalady at Pennsylvania State University, Victoria Zigmont at the University of Mississippi, Deborah Hickman at Purdue University in Indiana, Jamie Simpson at Midland University in Nebraska, Cynthia Peterson at Louisiana State University and Lisa Broidy at the University of New Mexico.

In Memoriam: Virginia James Tufte, 1918-2020
Dr. Tufte joined the English departmeny faculty at the University of Southern California in 1964. She also was a founder of the univerity’s program for the Study of Women and Men in Society, a predecessor of gender and sexuality studies. She retired from teaching in 1989.

Midland University Chooses a Business Executive for Its Next President
Jody Horner has been serving as president of Cargill Meat Solutions and Cargill Case Ready, divisions of the huge agricultural conglomerate based in Minnetonka, Minnesota. She will become the 16th president of Midland University on February 1.