All Entries Tagged With: "Edgewood College"

Kristen Raney Will Be the First Woman President of Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Dr. Raney has been serving as vice chancellor for academic affairs at Eastern Iowa Community College in Davenport. Earlier, she held administrative posts at St. Paul Community College in Minnesota and Chippewa Valley Technical College in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

Northcentral Technical College in Wausau, Wisconsin, Names its Next President
In her 26 year career at the college, Dr. Jeannie Worden has served in a variety of roles including vice president of student services, vice president of human resources and college advancement, executive director of the NTC Foundation, and currently as executive vice president.

Colleges and Universities Announce the Appointments of Five Women to Administrative Positions
Taking on new administrative roles are Susan Cunningham at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia, Mary Rob Plunkett at the University of North Georgia, Sally C. Morton at Arizona State University, Angela Salas at Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin, and Sara Asher at Yeshiva University in New York.