All Entries Tagged With: "California University of Pennsylvania"

Four Women Who Have Announced Their Retirements From the Academic World
Stepping down from their posts are Geraldine M. Jones, president of California University of Pennsylvania, Gay Barzee of Boise State University in Idaho, Barbara Brooome of Kent State University in Ohio, and Lorna Jean Edmunds of Ohio University.

California University of Pennsylvania Names Geraldine Jones as Its Permanent President
Jones was named acting president of the university in 2012, after serving for nearly four years as provost and vice president for academic affairs. She was named interim president in 2013 and served in the role for three years.

Two Women Scholars Honored With Awards
Carol Bocetti, an associate professor at California University of Pennsylvania was recognized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Mirja Perez de Calleja, a doctoral student in philosophy at Florida State University, has won the 2014 Philosophical Explorations Essay Prize.