All Entries Tagged With: "American Academy of Arts and Sciences"

In Memoriam: Jane Guyer, 1943-2024
Dr. Guyer was a professor emerita at Johns Hopkins University where she formerly served as the George Armstrong Kelly Professor of Anthropology and co-chair of The Academy. Throughout her career, she conducted extensive research on economic transformations in West Africa.

45 Women Academics Named Fellows of American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Women have made tremendous progress in American higher education. Yet in many areas a wide gender gap remains. Election to the nation’s most prestigious honorary societies is just one example.

40 Women Academics Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Through an analysis of the list of new fellows conducted by WIAReport, it appears that 46 of the 198 new members elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences this year are women. Forty have current ties to academia.

Women Are Less Than a Quarter of All New Members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Through our analysis of the list of new fellows, it appears that 52 of the 220 new members of the AAAS are women.