Women Continue to Represent the Majority of U.S. Medical School Students

In 2024, there were 22,253 women who applied to medical school for the first time, representing 57.7 percent of all first-time applicants. Compared to 2023, women first-time applicants rose by 2.8 percent. The total number of medical school applicants decreased by 1.2 percent in 2024, while women’s overall medical school applications dropped by 0.8 percent. Still, women represented 56.8 percent of all medical school applicants.

While overall applications dropped in 2024, the total number of students accepted to medical schools increased by 0.7 percent. There were 13,341 women students who were accepted to a U.S. medical school in 2024, representing 55.2 percent of all medical school acceptees. Additionally, the number of women who matriculated to medical school in 2024 rose by 0.2 percent from the prior year. Women represented 55.1 percent of all medical school matriculants.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, there are 99,562 students enrolled at U.S. medical schools, 54.9 percent of whom are women. This is the sixth year in a row where women have represented the majority of medical school enrollments.

Filed Under: DiversityGraduate SchoolsResearch/StudySTEM Fields

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