Modern Language Association Awards the 2024 Matei Calinescu Prize to Two Ivy League Professors
Posted on Jan 23, 2025 | Comments 0
The Modern Language Association has recently awarded the 2024 Matei Calinescu Prize to Marijeta Bozovic, professor at Yale University, and Glenda Carpio, professor at Harvard University. The annual award recognizes distinguished works of scholarship, published in the preceding year, that discuss twentieth- or twenty-first-century literature and thought.
Marijeta Bozovic, professor of Slavic languages and literatures at Yale University, was honored for her book, Avant-Garde Post-: Radical Poetics After the Soviet Union (Harvard University Press, 2023). The monograph examines the profiles of leftist poets at the center of contemporary Russian literature.
A Yale faculty member for over a decade, Dr. Bozovic holds affiliations with the film and media studies program and the women’s, gender, and sexuality studies program. With an emphasis on the study of transnational cultural flow, her scholarship focuses on contemporary Russian and East European literatures and cultures.
Dr. Bozovic holds a bachelor’s degree in history and literature from Harvard and a Ph.D. in Russian literature from Columbia University.
Glenda Carpio, professor of African and African American studies and English at Harvard University, was recognized for her book, Migrant Aesthetics: Contemporary Fiction, Global Migration, and the Limits of Empathy (Columbia University Press, 2023). By discussing the narrative strategies of several contemporary authors, the book challenges conventional understandings of migrant literature.
Since joining the Harvard faculty in 2002, Dr. Carpio has served in several roles, including chair of the English department and the Powel M. Cabot Professor of American Literature. She has a wide range of academic interests, including the literature, history, and culture of New World slavery; African American visual art; Anglophone Caribbean literature; theories on memory and textuality; gender and cultural studies; and Native American and Latino American literature.
A native of Guatemala, Dr. Carpio holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York and a Ph.D. in English from the University of California, Berkeley.
Filed Under: Awards