All Entries Tagged With: "University of British Columbia"

Newly Discovered Mineral Named for Virginia Tech Professor Nancy Ross
A newly discovered mineral has been named Nancyrossite, in honor of Dr. Nancy Ross’ impact in the field of geoscience. She has taught at Virginia Tech for over two decades.

New Study Casts Doubt on CDC’s Method for Tracking Maternal Death Rates
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the maternal death rate in the United States has tripled since 1999. However, a new study has found this rate to be vastly overestimated, with virtually no change in maternal deaths over the past twenty years.

Patients’ Experience With Childbirth Largely Depends on Type of Care Received Rather Than Birthing Method
New research from Oregon State University, Yale University, and the University of British Columbia has determined patients’ perceptions of their birthing experience are primarily affected by how they were treated and if they felt listened to, regardless of whether the birth was vaginal or via cesarean.

There Is a Large Gender Gap in Study Subjects in Psychiatry and Neuroscience Research
A new study led by researchers at the University of British Columbia examined nearly 3,2000 academic papers in six journals published between 2009 and 2019. They found that only 19 percent of papers in the sample reported using an optimal design for discovery of possible sex differences, and only 5 percent of the papers reported studies that analyzed sex as a discovery variable.

Study Finds Early Academic Excellence Does Not Lead to Future Occupational Success
A study by women sociologists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of British Columbia found that women parents who achieved straight A’s in high schools supervised on average about the same number of employees as did male students who flunked their high school courses.

Cynthia Lightfoot Is Now Serving as Chancellor of Pennsylvania State University Brandywine
Dr. Lightfoot first joined the Pennsylvania State University Brandywine community in 1998 as an associate professor of human development and family studies. She was named director of academic affairs at the branch campus of Penn State in July 2014.

Catherine Koverola Named President of Two University of Pittsburgh Campuses
Currently, Dr. Koverola serves as the inaugural provost and senior adviser at the African Leadership University in Mauritius, Africa. In June she will become president of both the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford and the University of Pittsburgh at Titusville.

Martha Whitehead Appointed to Lead Harvard University’s Vast Library System
Currently, Whitehead serves as university librarian and vice provost of digital planning at Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada. She will serve as Harvard University librarian, vice president for the Harvard Library, and the Roy E. Larsen Librarian for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. She will assume her new duties in June 2019.

Educated Women Are More Likely to Get Married and Stay Married Than Women With Less Education
Dr. Yue Qian of the University of British Columbia found that the proportion of marriages in which the husband had a higher level of education than his spouse dropped from 24 percent to 15 percent and marriages in which the wife had more education rose from 22 percent to 29 percent between 1980 and 2012. Women with a higher level of education were more likely to get, and stay, married.

Three Women Among the Four Finalists for Dean of Colorado Law
The three women finalists are all law school professors. They are Mary Anne Bobinski of the University of British Columbia, Laura Gomez of the University of California, Los Angeles, and Angela Onwuachi-Willig of the University of Iowa.

Two Women From the Academic World Are Finalists for the $250,000 Indianapolis Prize
The Indianapolis Prize is awarded every two years by the Indianapolis Zoo to individuals who have made significant contributions to the conservation of animal species. Amanda Vincent of the University of British Columbia and P. Dee Boersma of the University of Washington are among the six finalists.

Two Women Are Finalists for Dean of the University of Colorado College of Media, Communication and Information
Lori Bergen is dean of the College of Communication at Marquette University in Milwaukee and Caroline Haythornwaite is a professor and director of the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies at the University of British Columbia.

Gillian Lester Appointed the 15th Dean of Columbia Law School
Currently she is the Alexander F. and May T. Morrison Professor of Law, the Mimi Wolfen Research Professor, and acting dean of the University of California, Berkeley School of Law. Professor Lester will become dean at Columbia Law School on January 1.

The University of British Columbia Acts to Close the Gender Pay Gap
An internal study compared women’s salaries to those of men with similar academic rank and tenure. It found that gender was the factor that accounted for about $3,000 of the $14,000 discrepancy in average faculty salaries for men and women.

The New Director of the Nursing School at the University of British Columbia
Suzanne H. Campbell has been serving as an associate professor at the School of Nursing at Fairfield University in Connecticut.

Academic Women Who Won 2011 Genius Awards
Three of the winners teach at the University of Michigan.