All Entries Tagged With: "Union University"
Three Women Appointed to Dean Positions at Universities
The new deans are Teresa Tritt at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee, Stephanie Santorico at the University of Texas at San Antonio, and Kristina Boone at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Women CEOs Are More Likely Than Male Counterparts to Prioritize Relational Corporate Social Responsibility
A new study has found women CEOs are more likely than male CEOs to prioritize corporate social responsibility initiatives that directly impact people, including efforts relating to diversity, employees, and communities.
New Dean Appointments for Four Women Leaders in Academia
The new deans are Kim Jones at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee, Dena Evans at East Tennessee State University, Denise Seachrist at Kent State University at Salem in Ohio, and Kathryn Bezella at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.
Study Finds Vast Majority of College Campus Rapes Are Committed By Repeat Offenders
The results of the study by researchers at three universities found that just over 5 percent of college men have committed sexual assault and more than 87 percent of alcohol-involved sexual violence crimes were committed by serial offenders.
Four Women Stepping Down From Key Higher Education Posts
Sue DeWin is retiring as president of Hanover College in Indiana in 2015. Also, Carla Sanderson, provost of Union University, Nancy Meglar, provost at the University of Oklahoma, and Connie Vinita Dowell, dean at Vanderbilt University are stepping down.