All Entries Tagged With: "SUNY"

New Administrative Posts for Nine Women in Higher Education
Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

Jinliu Wang Appointed President of Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts
Dr. Wang has been serving as executive vice president for research, innovation, and knowledge enterprise at Ohio State University. Earlier she was senior vice chancellor for research and economic development for the State University of New York System and interim president of SUNY Polytechnic Institute.

New York Makes a Major Investment to Support Childcare at Public Colleges and Universities
The State University of New York is expanding on-site child care services with $7.6 million for campuses with the greatest demand. The City University of New York is receiving $4.8 million from the state to expand childcare services on campuses that don’t have centers.

Jane Bunker Has Been Chosen to Lead the Association of University Presses
Bunker became the director of the Cornell University Press in March 2020. She is the first woman to serve in this role since the press was founded in 1869. From 2010 to 2020, she was director of Northwestern University Press. She previously served as associate director and editor-in-chief at the State University of New York Press.

In Memoriam: Samella Sanders Lewis, 1923-2022
In 1970, Dr. Lewis joined the faculty at Scripps College in Claremont, California, where she was the first Black scholar to be awarded tenure. The Samella Lewis Collection of Contemporary Art was created by Scripps College in her honor in 2007.

Five Women Faculty Members Who Are Taking on New Assignments
The women scholars in new roles are Angelica Sanchez at Bard College in Avondale-on-Hudson, New York, Fatemeh Shahedipour-Sandvik of the State University of New York, Stephanie Hicks at the University of Arkansas, Kim Cobb at Brown University in Rhode Island, and Alyssa Panitch, at Georgia Tech and Emory University in Atlanta.

Eight Women Who Have Been Appointed to Administrative Posts at Colleges and Universities
Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

SUNY Looks to Boost Child Care Facilities Across Its 64 Campuses
During the 2020-2021 academic year, SUNY served 1,200 student parents with more than 4,000 child care spots across the 46 SUNY campuses that have a child care center onsite. A total of 18 more centers are currently needed to fully cover all 64 of SUNY’s campuses statewide.

Deborah Stanley to Lead the State University of New York System
Stanley has been serving as president of the SUNY-Oswego campus. She had announced this past June that she would be stepping down as president after leading the university for 26 years. She had served on the staff at SUNY-Oswego for 44 years.

In Memoriam: Teresa Ann Miller, 1962-2021
Teresa A. Miller was senior vice chancellor for strategic initiatives and chief diversity officer for the State University of New York. Earlier, Miller was a tenured professor of law at the University at Buffalo, specializing in immigration law, criminal procedure, and prisoner law.

The New Leader of Sterling College in Craftsbury Commons, Vermont
Lori Collins-Hall has been serving as senior vice president and chief operating officer at the college. Prior to joining Sterling, she was provost and vice president of academic affairs at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, and earlier taught sociology at Hartwick College in Oneonta, New York.

Prescott College in Arizona Names Barbara Morris as Its New President
Barbara Morris currently serves as associate vice provost and associate vice chancellor for academic affairs for the State University System of New York. Prior to her current role at SUNY, Dr. Morris served as president of SUNY Oneonta. Earlier, she spent 15 years on the faculty at the University of Redlands in California.

Betty Rosa Named Commissioner of Education and President of the University of the State of New York
Dr. Rosa has served on the board of regents since 2008 and became the board’s chancellor in 2016. She resigned as chancellor in August to fill in as interim commissioner of education. Dr. Rosa holds two master’s degrees from the City University of New York and a master’s degree and a doctorate from Harvard University.

Penn State’s Lorraine Dowler Honored by the American Association of Geographers
Lorraine Dowler, a professor of geography and women’s, gender and sexuality studies at Pennsylvania State University, was recognized as “a geographer who has made an outstanding service contribution to women in geography and/or feminist geography.”

Michelle Peach Is a “Rising Star’ in Conservation Biology
Michelle Peach, a lecturer at the University of Rhode Island, was honored by the Society for Conservation Biology for research she conducted as a doctoral student on whether birds were more likely to persist in areas that had extensive protected land and whether protected land encouraged birds to move into the area.

Ohio State University Appoints Kristina Johnson as Its Next President
Dr. Johnson has been serving as chancellor of the State University of New York System since 2017. Earlier in her career, Dr. Johnson served as under secretary of energy at the U.S. Department of Energy and held academic leadership positions at Johns Hopkins University, Duke University, and the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Can Video Games Be Used to Educate College Students About Sexual Violence?
The study, led by a sociologist at the University of New Hampshire, found that trivia and adventure games may increase a player’s awareness of sexual violence as well as teach active bystander skills that he or she can use in real-life situations.

Six Women Appointed Distinguished Professors at the State University of New York
The State University of New York Board of Trustees recently approved the appointments of 15 faculty to the Distinguished Faculty Rank. Of the 15 faculty members appointed to the Distinguished Faculty Rank, six are women.

New Administrative Appointments for Six Women in Higher Education
Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

New Administrative Duties for 10 Women in Higher Education
Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Three Women Appointed to Distinguished Professorships at the State University of New York
The three women named to Distinguished Professorships at SUNY are Lina M. Obeid at Stony Brook University, Jean H. Quataert at Binghamton University, and JoEllen Welsh at the University at Albany.

Five Women Appointed to New Administrative Positions in Higher Education
Taking on new assignments at Jinliu “Grace” Wang at the State University of New York System, Suzanne C. Adair at Pennsylvania State University, Erin Beatty at the University of Arkansas, Joy Haywood Moore at Boston College, and Aleshia Hall-Campbell at the University of Mississippi.

University Study Finds Adverse Psychological Effects for Women Who Work in “Breastaurants”
A new study led by Dawn Szymanski, a professor at the University of Tennessee, has determined that women who work in restaurants that require the wait staff to wear revealing outfits, are at higher risk for anxiety and eating disorders. Many of the women who work in these restaurants are college students.

Lynne Rosansky Is Serving as Provost at Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts
Dr. Rosansky has served as founding president of the Hult International Business School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, dean of the University of New Haven College of Business, provost at the State University of New York’s Levin Institute, and interim provost at Franklin Pierce University in New Hampshire.

Retiring SUNY Chancellor Nancy Zimpher Announces Her Future Plans
Dr. Zimpher will become a senior fellow at the Rockefeller Institute of Government and serve as a professor in the School of Education and as a chief adviser to the president of the University at Albany. Dr. Zimpher will also direct the new Center for Education Pipeline Systems Change.

Kristina Johnson Named the Thirteenth Chancellor of the State University of New York System
Currently, Dr. Johnson is the chief executive officer of Cube Hydro Partners, which develops hydroelectric generation facilities. She served as under secretary of energy in the Obama administration and earlier was provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

New Administrative Roles for Eight Women at Colleges and Universities
Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Nancy Zimpher Announces She Will Step Down as Chancellor of the State University of New York
Nancy L. Zimpher, chancellor of the State University of New York System, announced that she will step down at the end of the 2016-17 academic year. She has been chancellor of the 64-campus system for the past seven years.

Erie Community College Agrees to Settlement of Title IX Complaint
According to an investigation by the Office for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education, for a three-year period women were about half of all students at the college but only about a third of the student athletes.

Three Women Named to Distinguished Professorships at the State University of New York
Jean Wactawski-Wende is a professor of epidemiology at the University at Buffalo. Nancy Hollingsworth is a professor of biochemistry and cell biology at Stony Brook University and Elizabeth Tucker is a professor of English at Binghamton University.

In Memoriam: Rosalyn Fraad Baxandall, 1939-2015
A noted feminist historian Rosalyn Baxandall joined the faculty in the American studies department at the State University of New York at Old Westbury in 1971.

The First Woman President of SUNY’s Upstate Medical University
Dr. Danielle Laraque-Arena has been serving as chair of the department of pediatrics at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York, and as a professor of pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University.

SUNY Geologist Named the New York State Paleontologist
Lisa Amati will be the second woman and the first since 1954, to serve as New York State Paleontologist. In this role, Dr. Amati will be the curator of the New York State Museum’s paleontology collections.

State University of New York Chooses Women to Lead Two of Its Campuses
The board of trustees of the State University of New York has named Heidi Macpherson as president of the College of Brockport and Kristine M. Young as president of Orange County Community College in Middletown, New York.

Five Women Scholars in New Teaching Roles
The women with new faculty assignments are Amy Young at the University of Texas, Jamie Greenberg Reuland at Priinceton University, Leslie Leinwald at the University of Colorado, Maire M. Kenna Liberace at Rockland Community College, and Ardis R.T. Butterfield at Yale University.