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The American Institute of Architects Presents Its Highest Honor to Yale University's Deborah Berke

The American Institute of Architects Presents Its Highest Honor to Yale University’s Deborah Berke

Berke, the first woman dean of the Yale School of Architecture, is the recipient of the American Institute of Architect’s 2025 Gold Medal. The prestigious award is presented annually to individuals who have made a lasting influence on the field of architecture.

Scheri Fultineer Will Be the Next Leader of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University

Scheri Fultineer Will Be the Next Leader of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University

Scheri Fultineer recently served as dean of the Division of Architecture and Design at the Rhode Island School of Design. She also held the roles of interim associate provost of research and was a department head. Earlier, she taught for more than a decade at the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

Yale's Deborah Berke Has Been Awarded the 2022 Topaz Medallion for Excellence in Architectural Education

Yale’s Deborah Berke Has Been Awarded the 2022 Topaz Medallion for Excellence in Architectural Education

In July 2016, Berke became the first woman dean of the School of Architecture at Yale. She was appointed to a second five-year term earlier this year. Before being named dean, Berke had been an adjunct professor of architecture at Yale since 1987. She is the founder of the design firm Deborah Berke Partners in New York.

Crystal Williams Will Be the Eighteenth President of the Rhode Island School of Design

Crystal Williams Will Be the Eighteenth President of the Rhode Island School of Design

President-elect Williams has been serving as a professor of English and vice president and associate provost for community & inclusion at Boston University. She began her academic career at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. She later served as associate vice president for strategic initiatives at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine.

Princeton University's Deana Lawson Is the First Photographer to Win the Hugo Boss Prize

Princeton University’s Deana Lawson Is the First Photographer to Win the Hugo Boss Prize

Sponsored by the German fashion house Hugo Boss and presented by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, the prize has been awarded biannually since 1996 and was established to “embrace today’s most innovative and critically relevant cultural currents.” The prize is considered among the most prestigious awards within the contemporary art world.

Johnson & Johnson Partners With Colleges and Universities to Promote Women in STEM Fields

Johnson & Johnson Partners With Colleges and Universities to Promote Women in STEM Fields

Among the partner institutions are the California Institute of Technology, Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Rhode Island School of Design, Rutgers University in New Jersey, and Spelman College in Atlanta.

Sale of Artwork by the Late Professor Pat Walker to Fund an Endowed Scholarship at Georgia Southern University

Sale of Artwork by the Late Professor Pat Walker to Fund an Endowed Scholarship at Georgia Southern University

Pat Walker served as a faculty member in the department of art at Georgia Southern University for more than a quarter of a century. She died this past January at the age of 65. Her portfolio of artwork is being sold with the proceeds endowing a scholarship in her name.

The New President of the Rhode Island School of Design

The New President of the Rhode Island School of Design

Rosanne Somerson has been serving as interim president since January 1, 2014. Previously, she was provost and served for 16 years as chair of the Rhode Island School of Design’s department of furniture design.

Eight Women Taking on New Administrative Positions in Higher Education

Eight Women Taking on New Administrative Positions in Higher Education

The women taking on new roles are Carol Strohecker, Brenda Malone, Beth Raffeld, Kate Walker, Danielle Rice, Christina V. Tran, Maria Keri, and Dawn Thompson.

In Memoriam: Sarah Charlesworth, 1947-2013

In Memoriam: Sarah Charlesworth, 1947-2013

Charlesworth served as a lecturer with the rank of professor in the Lewis Center for the Arts at Princeton University and taught in the graduate programs at the School of Visual Arts in New York City and the Rhode Island School of Design.