All Entries Tagged With: "Lane Community College"

Helen Faith of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Elected Chair of NASFAA
Since 2020, Faith has served as director of student financial aid at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Previously, she was associate dean of student engagement and dean of new student transitions at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon.

Sonya Christian Appointed Chancellor of the Kern Community College District in California
Sonya Christian has been president of Bakersfield College in California since 2013. Earlier, she served in a variety of senior administrative roles at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon, including executive vice president and chief academic officer and vice president for academic and student affairs.

Six Women in Higher Education Receive Notable Honors or Awards
The honorees are Julia Cronin-Gilmore of Bellevue University in Nebraska, Claire Renzetti of the University of Kentucky, Sarah Jane Brubaker of Virginia Commonwealth University, Cora Downs at the University of Kansas, Huda Zoghbi of the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, and Mary Splide, the outgoing president of Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon.

Five Women Who Are Stepping Down From Their Current Posts in Higher Education
Stepping down from their current posts are Nasrin Jewell at St. Catherine University, Mary Spilde at Lane Community College in Oregon, Carol M. Swain at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Deborah Jenson at Duke University in North Carolina, and Nancy Winship at Brandeis University in Massachusetts,