Sweet Briar College Announces New Scholarship Program for Low-Income Virginia Students

Sweet Briar College, a private liberal arts college for women in Amherst, Virginia, has announced a new scholarship program for Pell Grant-eligible students in Virginia.

Beginning in the 2025-2025 academic year, the SBCommitment Scholarship initiative will provide full tuition coverage to talented undergraduate students in need of financial support. Virginia applicants to Sweat Briar College will have the opportunity to be automatically considered for a SBCommitment Scholarship, opening the door for them to pursue a postsecondary degree without financial constraints.

To be eligible for the SBCommitment Scholarship, applicants must be domestic, first-year, first-time students with a 3.6 high school GPA or higher who reside in Virginia. More information on the scholarship and a link to apply can be found here.

Filed Under: Women's Colleges


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