A Milestone Appointment at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Hill-BriggsThe Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine recently celebrated a major milestone with the hiring this year of its 200th tenured woman professor since its founding 1893. Felicia Hill-Briggs, an associate professor of public health and director of Diabetes Research and Training Center, was the woman who achieved the milestone. Since then, several other women have been hired pushing the total number to 214.

Most of the progress has been in recent years. In 1988, Susan Michaelis, a current professor of cell biology at Johns Hopkins, was the 19th woman faculty member. Julie Freischlag, now dean of the School of Medicine at the University of California, Davis, was the 95th tenured woman faculty member at Johns Hopkins in 2003.

Despite the progress, women make up only 22 percent of the current tenured faculty at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

Filed Under: AppointmentsFacultyGender GapWomen's Studies


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