Jeannie Whayne Named President of the Agricultural History Society

Jeannie WhayneJeannie M. Whayne, professor of history in the William Fullbright College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Arkansas, is the new president of the Agricultural History Society. She was elected a fellow of the society in 2009 and installed as its president at the society’s annual meeting last week in Banff, Alberta. The society was founded in 1919 in Washington, D.C., and now has members from many foreign nations. Since 1927 it has published the journal Agricultural History.

aghistorylogoProfessor Whayne joined the faculty at the University of Arkansas in 1990 and was promoted to full professor on 2004. She is the author of Delta Empire: Lee Wilson and the Transformation of Agriculture in the New South (Louisiana State University Press, 2011) and is currently working on a book on Memphis as a cotton center.

Dr. Whayne holds bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees from the University of California at San Diego.

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