Purdue Honors Its Former President

Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, has announced that it is renaming its newly renovated general recreation building to honor France A. Córdova, who recently stepped down as Purdue’s president.

The recreational building was originally constructed in 1957. It is currently undergoing renovations that will greatly increase the size of the Córdova Recreational Sports Center. The new center will be ready for students this fall.

Dr. Córdova became president of Purdue on July 16, 2007. Previously, she was chancellor and distinguished professor of physics and astronomy at the University of California at Riverside.  A former NASA scientist, she also taught at the University of California at Santa Barbara.

The oldest of 12 children, Córdova is a graduate of Stanford University.  She earned a Ph.D. in physics at the California Institute of Technology.

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, who will become president of Purdue in January, praised Córdova’s tenure at Purdue by stating, “President Córdova has done just those things Purdue and all of Indiana hoped she would: raised the standards, reputation and research profile of the university.”

Filed Under: Awards


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